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Crimson Circle Excerpt
Adamus Saint Germain through Geoffrey Hoppe
The full channel can be viewed on the

 Crimson Circle website under Library – The Illumination Series – 6 April 2024

It’s All About Light – Merabh

Let’s turn on a little music and bring that to merabh.

Let’s take a good deep breath together. All about light.

(music begins)

We’ll be talking more and more about light in our upcoming sessions and Keahak and other things, but right now I’d like you to just be comfortable with your light.

It’s not a power or a force. Remember, it’s imagination. Just imagine more imagination. And particularly now with your increasing level of wisdom, how beautiful it is to be able to imagine openly and freely.


Light is imagination and that’s such a beautiful thing. Others can say it’s scientific fact that it comes from the sun, but no, no, no. Light doesn’t come from the sun, not real light. It comes from the soul, from the I Am.


That’d be really kind of a crappy setup that light just comes from this big burning star in the sky. That’s one of the ways it can manifest but true light is far different. It’s imagination.

Imagine right now you having more imagination; less boundaries, more freedom. Not just having to imagine a little better human life, but imagining into who you truly are.

Imagining yourself free of the human condition, while still being in the human body on the physical planet.

And imagine how you’re in your own flow again, you’re in your own grace. No longer down there on the planet alone having to battle it out to just get enough to get by.

Imagine your own grandness.

Let’s take a deep breath together and allow this, allow that light now to flow in.


Light is not a force, and it’s not just something that breaks through darkness. It’s so much more. It’s the soul imagining itself in experience as a human.

It’s the Master imagining the circle of itself, all the lifetimes and all the experiences, and then ultimately the Realization. Ultimately, the gathering of all the experiences of every lifetime, and now bringing all of them together in this thing called Realization.


Imagine yourself with no suffering.

No need for suffering. No taking that suffering upon yourself or for the human that one would call flawed. But imagine no suffering whatsoever.

Imagine what that feels like – no suffering – for you.


And as this light flows into this planet, into you, it definitely affects love.

Imagine, now that you’ve experienced love in many of your lifetimes – you’ve experienced lack of love, you’ve experienced the beauty and harshness of love – imagine now going to that next level of love, what we call Love 2.0. Grounded and based in a love of self, and therefore, the ability to have compassion and awareness of others.

You see, that’s the light, the very light that has been coming in for the last year. You’ve been learning to acclimate to it, to integrate it into your being. And now comes the time – we’re going to call it April 8th, 2024 – now comes the time we’re going to start working with it. Experiencing it. Playing with it. The word “work” sounds bad to some but having fun with it; where it goes from being a concept or kind of an idea, a theory, now into actually working with light.


Working with light is going to be a little challenging up front, because at first, you’re going to want to think about working with light, and you really can’t. I mean, it’s not very effective.

Working with light in terms of really finding your passion, what’s important to you – your true desires – and then bringing them to the light, bringing them to imagination.

There’s going to be the tendency to want to think through it, and everybody’s going to have that happen. You’re going to definitely want to think through it, and it’s very ineffective. Why? Because, well, there’s not a lot of light in your thinking. There’s not a lot of imagination. It’s based on a lot of old association, but we’ll go beyond that.

We’ll learn to work with light, learn to work with imagination and creating realities here. Maybe in other places as well, but primarily here.

Can you imagine for a moment playing with your own light? There’s almost a childlike feel to it, an innocence to it. At the same time, then playing with this New Light that I’ve talked about, a light that also has your wisdom in it. What can you create?

There are some interesting parallels that are taking place right now. This whole thing with artificial intelligence. Many of you, Shaumbra, have played with it a little bit in – what do they call it – ChatGPT or some of the – I have to refer to Cauldre here – Midjourney, some of the graphic programs. So, you go in and play with it. You can put something into ChatGPT, and you get back this – wow! – this big, long thing.

In a sense, it’s playing with light, in this case, through technology. You input, oh, a dozen keywords into one of these graphic programs, and you click the button for it to generate for you, and you’re astounded at what it can do. By the way, this is just the beginning of this whole new era.

But the point is you click it and it’s like, “Wow, something happened here. It wasn’t just the words I punched in, and it wasn’t just computers, you know, piecing it together. Yes, that was part of it. But something else is happening here.”

Well, playing with the light means infusing your consciousness. Not getting stuck in it – you’ve done that before in your physical body – but being able to infuse your consciousness into things, into placing your consciousness wherever. Then watching what happens without a predetermined outcome. You see, because predetermined outcomes are linear, and they come from the mind. But to play with light is to be able to put your consciousness where you want and then watch what happens from there.

That’s what we’re going to do – consciously infuse and see what we created, see what you created. It’s the next step in our time here on the planet.

To get to this point really required having to clear a lot of wounds and imbalances and all the rest of that. But now we’re finally getting to that point. Yes, there’s still some residues, but we’re getting to that point now where we can truly start consciously working with light, with imagination, without ever now worrying that once you infuse that you’re going to get stuck. It’s not going to happen anymore. You got stuck into this body-mind, but imagine being able to consciously infuse with a lot of light, and then experience it.

That’s where we’re going, dear Shaumbra. That’s why I’ve had to be pretty insistent about cleaning out your house – physically, literally – but also house of Self. Clean it out, because when you bring light into places of power or imbalance, the result isn’t so good. You don’t get cracks anymore, you get explosions, nuclear reactions. That’s why we’ve had to do so much to get to this point.

Let’s take a deep breath and imagine into your light.

(longer pause)

This is where true creativity, the true creation comes in. And all the while, as you’re opening to your light, you’re letting it radiate, first to yourself – giving yourself this gift of imagination – but then it flows out to the planet.

I know that was a big, big desire of yours coming into this lifetime, to bring light to the planet, and it’s noble. But remember to do it for yourself also.

Let’s take these few remaining minutes left in this Shoud and do just that. Allowing light, your light, to go deep, to go wide within yourself.


Imagination is, well, it’s like magic. Not spooky magic, but I mean imagination opens everything up, so that what they call “magic” occurs. But magic is simply alignment with the divine, and going beyond the current light, the current limits.

Take a good, deep breath and allow that light. It’s yours, after all. It’s yours.


Right now, it’s all about light. What are we going to do with it? How are we going to play with it? How can we playfully infuse it into things?


Take a good deep breath and feel this, “I Am the light. I Am the imagination.”


And just allow it. You don’t have to force it. Just allow it. Let it flow.


So, let’s mark April 8, 2024, on the calendar as our official begin date of into the light, Masters of the light. We start acknowledging now it’s been brought in, and let’s start using it.

For those of you who are in the area of experiencing the solar eclipse, watch how the light gets blocked – the old light – and then how it reemerges as the New Light. Just kind of metaphorically speaking.

All the rest of us, we’re just going to be tuned into it and saying, “Yes, a shift is definitely taking place. It’s time for our light, within our own being and for this planet.”

That’s when you take a good, deep breath and, after all these lifetimes, after all this hard, hard work, take a good, deep breath and say, “You know, all is well in all of creation.”

With that, I Am Adamus of St. Germain. Thank you.

Crimson Circle Excerpt
Adamus Saint Germain through Geoffrey Hoppe

The full channel can be viewed on the
 Crimson Circle website under Library – The Illumination Series – 4 November 2023

21 Shaumbra Realizations – Distilled wisdom for your journey home

Number One – I Exist. I Am that I Am. Everything emanates from this.
This is the passion of your consciousness: “I Exist. I Am that I Am. I have always existed. I have no beginning. I have no end. I am eternal. I can exist in different forms. I may exist in this lifetime as my human identity, but even when that part of me goes beyond, I still exist.” Everything flows from this, your pure state of consciousness.

Number Two – Consciousness must be present for anything to occur.
For any creation or experience to exist, consciousness must first be there to perceive and to call it into expression. Without the presence of consciousness to observe and experience its creation, the creation does not exist except as a potential. Consciousness does not arise from matter; it is the source. Consciousness is the key to everything; nothing happens until something is perceived.

Number Three – Everything is an act of consciousness.
It’s all an act of consciousness. From the face you see in the mirror to the faintest impulse; from the highest enlightenment to the darkest brutality; from deepest love to coldest indifference, victim to victimizer, birth to death – everything you do is simply a role played out by your consciousness for the purpose of experience. You can change the act whenever you choose to move on from the current act or wish to have a new experience. It is your free will.

Number Four – The human journey is about experiencing your consciousness and energy.
Earth was created specifically for angelic beings to embody into a slowed-down reality so that we could discover and understand the relationship between consciousness and energy. Your consciousness is pure, and your energy is neutral until it is called into expression by your perception and the desire for experience. Understanding the relationship between consciousness and energy is the purpose of life on Earth.

Number Five – Energy is communications. Nothing more, nothing less.
Energy is communications, not particles, or a force, or power. It is what your consciousness created in the desire to know itself. Energy is in a neutral state until ignited by the desire of consciousness to have an experience. That sets energy into motion, and its dynamic and design are always going to be in exact accordance with how consciousness perceives itself. Energy is a constant communication that consciousness has about its own nature and state.

Number Six – Everything in your reality is your energy.
All energy is yours, the song of your own soul. Consciousness perceives everything only through its own energy in the same way that you can only see through your own physical eyes, never through somebody else’s. Therefore, everything in your reality is your own energy called into its current form by your perception of your own self. Even when there is an energy design “outside” of you, such as that of nature or other people, still you fill that design with your own energy to be able to perceive it. You don’t perceive others directly as they are, but only through your own energy. Energy cannot be given or taken, although you can create an illusion of such an exchange. It is completely up to you how to perceive and receive your energy.

Number Seven – The Master allows energy to serve them.
When everything in your reality is your energy, it is no longer necessary to select, protect or reject anything in your life. As the Master, you understand that every moment of life is your creation, a gift from your Free Self to your Human Self. You can therefore fully receive your energy in absolute trust and flow, knowing that it is serving you in perfection. Others cannot steal your energy, nor can you get energy from anything outside of yourself. Instead of limiting, manipulating, and resisting energy, a Master allows it to serve them.

Number Eight – All energy seeks resolution.
Your energy is in neutral until it takes on polarity to form and express a reality. It is meant to flow freely through experience, but often it gets stuck due to trauma, guilt, shame, and other issues. This stuck energy can then manifest in the body as aches, pains, and illness, and in life as repeating patterns, problems, and challenges. When you let go of the issues and allow the wisdom, your energy will return to its natural flow, bringing healing, resolution, and renewal.

Number Nine – You are your own Oneness.
Through the timeless spiral of its existence, your soul has generated countless expressions of itself. And because energy always finds its resolution, it is to this deep inner oneness that all lifetimes, aspects, and experiences inevitably return. Everything – past, present, and future, every potential – is already within. Your Oneness is sovereign, not dependent any other beings or forces, not even melding into anything outside itself. You are on a journey that culminates with returning to your own Oneness.

Number Ten – Realization is a natural occurrence.
Enlightenment is the full integration of every part of yourself. Energy is always moving toward resolution, which means your Realization is a foregone conclusion. No matter how deep one dives into experience, the song of the soul will always sing you back home. The human cannot possibly design and manufacture their Realization. In fact, you are already Realized and now just going through the experience of how you got there, as if traveling back through time.

Number Eleven – You are not responsible for your Realization.
Realization occurs from the desire and instigation of the soul and the inner Master, which is the culmination of all your lifetimes. As the soul’s human expression, your only responsibility is to sensually experience the journey. The destination is confirmed; how you get there is up to you.

Number Twelve – The future is the past healed.
As humans, we tend to build the future on the past. Tomorrow will likely resemble yesterday; childhood wounds create troubled lives; unfinished business leads to karmic reconnections. However, when one lets go of the problems, turns away from suffering, and chooses self-love, the future becomes very different. You realize nothing was ever wrong; everything was simply an experience that can now be given up to the soul and brought to wisdom.

Number Thirteen – Suffering is for fools and clergy.
Suffering was never intended to be part of the human experience. However, perhaps due to the original guilt of coming to Earth and forgetting Self, it took hold in human consciousness. There is absolutely no need for suffering, whether to strengthen your character, pay for your sins or to become enlightened. You can change suffering-consciousness to joy-consciousness whenever you choose.

Number Fourteen – You are not a victim of anyone or anything.
Every role played by humans is an act of consciousness, and everything in your reality is your energy. Therefore, no being or organization can harm you or steal your energy unless you choose to play that role. If you believe you’re a victim, you will create that pattern in your life. And every victim is always an abuser. When you let go of the victim act of consciousness and take full responsibility for your experience, you set yourself free.

Number Fifteen – Abundance and health are natural states of being.
Your soul naturally exists in abundance, wellbeing, peace, and joy. It is unnatural to live in lack, limitation, and pain. Allow yourself to feel your natural state of being, and you will restore your natural state of ease and balance.

Number Sixteen – If you have issues in your life, it’s because you’re still gaining something from them.
Whatever is in your life experience is there because you are still getting something from it. Even the undesired things are there because they are still serving you in some way. You are the creator. Ask yourself what you’re gaining from the issue and if you are ready to move on, release it from your life and allow it to be distilled into wisdom.

Number Seventeen – Over 90% of your biology and thoughts are not yours.
Your body is mostly a product of your ancestors. Your mind has been programmed to follow patterns, picking up beliefs, perceptions, and fears from family, teachers, friends, news, and mass consciousness – whether expressed in some tangible form or non-physical, such as thoughts – and internalizes those. Humans tend to own all perceptions and experiences that come from within, but you can use your awareness to discern what is really yours. What is yours is what you choose. Keep only what you want, then take a deep breath and let everything else go.

Number Eighteen – Only your soul can heal your wounds and only when you’re ready.
Throughout life you may run from your wounds, react to them, obsess over them, counsel them, process them, and try to heal them in countless ways. True healing can only be found by releasing the wounds to your soul and receiving its forgiveness. The soul has infinite patience and will wait until you are done with the issues and ready to let them go. Then it will welcome, heal, and transform everything into pure wisdom.

Number Nineteen – You are not beholden to gravity, be it physical, emotional, or societal.
In the physical world, gravity is a force that holds things together, and it has the same function in the realms of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, mass consciousness, and more. In quantum physics there is expansional gravity, sometimes referred to as dark energy. It allows everything from the expansion of the physical universe to the opening of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. In the limited perspective of the human we only see and experience “inward” gravity but in fact we also have access to “expansional” gravity in order to move beyond the restrictions of matter and mind.

Number Twenty – There are no Beings greater than the Human Being.
While other beings and civilizations may exist and may even be technologically and intellectually advanced, it is the angelic beings in human form who have dived in the deepest, forgotten the hardest, hurt the most, and still have kept learning, growing, and eventually remembering. As angels searching for Home, we discovered love right here on Earth. In the darkest nights we chase the light. In the deepest pain we choose compassion. And now our wisdom radiates throughout creation, affecting the entire cosmos. No other beings have endured and learned as much as humans, created things as deep and as sensual as art, poetry, and music. This makes humans the most sacred and advanced beings of all.

Number Twenty-one – All is well in all of creation.
You took on the human condition to experience in the deepest ways and learn about consciousness, energy, and self-love. Being human was never a punishment or curse; it was a courageous choice to explore and create. When you are fully realized and ascended from the planet, your stories will inspire and edify countless other beings, because you are living proof that everything works out. With this knowledge, you can relax into your Realization and experience these final years on the planet in any way you choose. No souled being is truly lost, and no issue ever goes unresolved.

“You are already Realized, and now just going through the experience of how you got there.” – Adamus Saint-Germain 

Celestial Trends

Lot’s more information readily available at 

Note: There’s also an informative piece on Astrology – ‘the oldest science on the planet’ as Kryon calls it, on The New Wisdom page

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